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Basque Country, home of one of our ateliers


The Basque Country is in the North of Spain. This small region of less than 2.2M people is well known for multiple diverse reasons: for one, its Basque language (Euskera), the the oldest living language in Europe, whose origins remain unknown. 

Basque Country travel guide  Basics | Euskara | Basque, Language, Basque country                   


Facing the Cantabrian Sea and in frontier with France, and since history can recall, Basque people have been key players in that Southern European region as fishermen, traders, businessmen…and they are a world reference in gastronomy (today it concentrates the higher amount of 3-star Michelin restaurants in the world).


Some of their sports have become world famous as “The Pelota” which is the fastest ball sport in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records.


The Bilbao Guggenheim Museum opening in the late 1990s gave it an international boost in the Cultural space.


Chefs' Camaraderie Lifts Basque Cuisine - The New York Times People play Pelota 


The Basque Country had also been regarded in Spain for its babywear craftmanship, quality and style. And this reputation went global when in 2015, the Princess of Cambridge was presented to the British public wearing some pieces made in a family shop in San Sebastián. 


Despite the highly competitive environment and the difficult transformation the high-street is going through due to consumer shifts amplified post-covid, those independent local babywear businesses remain open here because they are a must-visit, whether you are an expecting mummy or a grandmother willing to buy some garments to your soon new member of the family. It is a unique shopping experience all together since you will go to one of those shops, you will start looking at their fabric selection, discuss which pieces you want, in which style…and then, you may be able to buy them on the spot or you may have to wait for a few weeks whilst it is handmade for you by themselves or at one atelier of their networks. This is how it happens now, the same way it happened with your mother, with your grandmother and so on.

This is the critical reason why people continue going to these shops, because they know every piece will use high quality fabrics and it will be handmade by skilful artisans with several generations experience. The same way it has “always” been made.

 A picture containing text, outdoor

Description automatically generated Tiendas antiguas en Donosti llenas de historia | Guía Repsol


This excellent craftmanship does not limit to babywear and in fact, there is an amazing nursery accessories offer which is made with the same principles as Basque families do not only care about their babies clothes but also want to “dress up” their push chair or their cradle and complement them with the “right” blanket or baby nest.


Uzturre - Uzturre U-BabiesTienda de artículos para bebés en Cantabria, Vizcaya y Bilbao


With such immense heritage, I am very proud to collaborate with some of those expert “hands” to make our kidswear and nursery designs.


Five of Us, The Modern Artisan. Designed in London, Handmade in Spain.


Queralt Ferrer



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